The Power of Choice


By: Renee Manzolillo 

Those days when you are frazzled with life and everyday happenings, the days you question every decision that comes your way….

Yeah - the ones that  become distorted even muted with confusion and CHAOS begins to take over from time to time. It can throw us off our game + out of alignment. 

These are the moments in life that FUEL our very EXISTENCE. 

I BELIEVE it's a test of inner power and strength! Your awareness of your ability to choose is paramount. It's a sense of liberation - freedom of self - a responsibility to your heart and promise to protect your essence of who you truly are. It's an unconditional LOVE + honor and INTEGRITY for your personal well being! 

During these times the choice we make has the very POWER to shift our reality. The reality that everything you ever desired is and will be yours 

See every waking grateful day GOD  gives us a new opportunity to CHOOSE

We are extremely lucky human beings - everyday we - Choose how, when, where, what and with who

Underneath all that multed confusion and second guessing YOU have the POWER to CHOOSE your sovereign state! It can either fuel your power or take it away. 

From the very micro element of this way or that it can punche a huge impact, The  smallest choice amplifies a ripple through TIME  and SPACE when consistency is present with true intent. 

The Macro leap can transport you like lighting speed -  when belief, trust, and integrity are present! It brings forth your incredible human potential Sure it can be scary but, what choice isn't? 

Are you ready and willing to make the CHOICE?

I AM - I choose ME  every single time!

Trust the POWER of your  CHOICE

Renee Manzolillo 


Trust the POWER of your CHOICE

Trust the POWER of your CHOICE