BORN AGAIN by Renee Manzolillo
You know that feeling of arousal that flourishes from the earth's core and rushes through your limbs, fills your body cavity with a sense of intimacy.
You know!
The invitation that activates and awakens your nervous system. The one that increases your heart rate, amplifies your breathing, makes your blood pressure rise, gives meaning to sensory alertness, prepares the body for mobility, and readiness to respond with intent.
This power lies within, Your soul chose it! Your NAME that's right! Your name was chosen for this present LIFE time knowing you and only you would achieve greatness living in this human EXPERIENCE.
The ENERGY in your name holds great meaning. The energetic power of your name carries a vibration meant only for you, it molds its way through our individualized blueprint, it's embedded in your DNA.
When your name is called, written, spoken, danced or sung you can feel the vibrational frequency move through you. Your name speaks the unspoken. It shouts and ripples through the universe that sends messages near and far.
Did you ever wonder what the meaning of your name is?
Well, mine it speaks loud and clear! It comes through as a reminder during my darkest moments.
So as I sit here and look back at the year we had, as today marks the day I closed my studio because of this spiritual blessing you all call COVID
I remember once again WHO I AM. This year has taught me not to ever question my intuition and fully surrender. It has taught me to immerse myself in the unknown and flow like the waves of the ocean.
In doing so I was able to offer my community a safe space This gave the most vulnerable times of emotional, mental and physical disturbance from our surroundings a way through. I was able to work more closely with people craving stability and a sense of self.
It has taught me to let go of those no longer vibrating in HARMONY with my vision and hold dear the ones close to my heart while engaging in new aligning energy meant only for me.
It has taught me to dig even deeper, release old patterns, cutting chords of ancestral energy, and stand in my authentic POWER.
YOUR name reflects your image, attitude, personality, perception and the way you walk through life. It has a profound impact on a child which echoes into adulthood.
Your name is the designated destiny that becomes your identity here on EARTH, It is part of your LEGACY!
TRUTH is I will never stop being me!
While others allowed fear to paralyze them I stood strong for those who couldn’t, I spoke loud while others were afraid to use their voice. I held, hugged, and cried with those who lost human connectivity. I opened my doors to those who needed me and created an aligning tribe of spiritual kickass humans who I will cherish forever!
Truth is I needed them just as much, and I am forever GRATEFUL for every encounter and adoring experience.
This year exuded so much intrinsic power and most of all LOVE!!!
I will continue to evolve, continue to grow, to create and recreate, to rebrand and re introduce myself time and time again!
Because I am rebirther!
The power of my name is BORN AGAIN!!!