The BODY KNOWS + Remembers all
Early morning RISE, sun glaring in my face could hardly see.
it was 6:00am and my BODY was screaming at me “get up!”
A sudden warmth in my kinesphere, sensations over my entire BODY! Emotions running wild filled my vessel. Tears began to trickle downward.
As I turned to grab my phone and realized the date all made sense.
This time was different, yeah I cried, yeah I felt weak, yeah I had multiple flashbacks and wished parts of me were still that girl.
But, It's these very moments in TIME + SPACE we become a new version of ourselves. Because of this tragic + most rewarding turn in my life I have gained so much knowledge, wisdom, strength and courage to continue on my righteous path of divine order.
Our experiences are held within our DNA, they are held within our connective tissue, muscles, liquids, brain, fascia, and our light BODY energy.
I question nothing because my BODY knows, I regret nothing because my BODY feels, and most of all my BODY remembers.
Today marks the day I saw my life flash before my eyes. Everything I worked so hard for disappeared or so I thought. 19 years ago today I broke my back, but it was so much more than that!
It broke my strength, it broke my courage, it broke my heart, and it broke my faith
This moment marked a transition, a rebirth, an evolution, a healing JOURNEY I didn't even realize was happening. In all of this disarray GOD was preparing me for it all.
He knew my strength was stronger than I ever imagined. He knew it was my courage that would allow me to stand in my power. He knew my LOVE and passion would override and my purpose would shine bright. Most of all he knew my faith would guide me through.
Today my BODY remembers because my BODY knows